Riot Branded Motion Graphics


The team at Riot reached out to me for another round of motion graphics assets, this time for their main brand. The company has made a significant push to create their own high impact video content and needed fancy intro / outro graphics to bookend their stuff.

They pretty much left this one for me to go wild with, provided I try to show the different facets of their operations. The result was a bit beyond the scope of what I initially planned in terms of complexity, but we were all quite pleased with the result.

Blocktime Podcast Visual Identity


I was approached by Alexis from Riot Platforms to help them develop a unique visual identity around their new podcast hosted by Pierre. In our initial exploration of themes and tone, Pierre had mentioned the art deco aesthetic found on Ayn Rand book covers as a possible direction. As a fan of art deco myself, it didn’t take much effort to convince me.

Blocktime Podcast Video Assets


Since the podcast had an in-studio video component, Riot requested the creation of several video assets including intro and outtro graphics, titles and transitions, as well as a promo.

Studio Renders


While set design is outside of my core competency, I nonetheless agreed to help Riot design their studio space. I have previous experience building 1:1 spaces for virtual reality, so I was able to replicate the office space they intended to use as a studio in 3D and make modifications to the space using Blender.

The pre-viz helped the team at Riot better understand the final look and feel of the space through the camera prior to purchasing materials for the set.